Lukisan Paten Desing Industri
What is a Design Patent or Industrial Design?
If an invention is
•a new, original, and
•ornamental design embodied in or applied to an article of manufacture.
It is referred to as Industrial Design or Design Patent
It generally permits its owner to exclude others from making, using, or selling the invention for a period of up to fifteen years from the date of a patent granted. No maintenance fees are required for design patents
Kepakaran dalam mengikuti Perkhidmatan Lukisan Paten Reka Bentuk Perindustrian
Mudah Alih | Beg | Kabinet | Mesin Permainan | Mentol LED | Mesin Memotong | Bekukan Tote | Minyak wangi Botol |
Lampu meja | Keranda | Penceramah | Mainan | Basikal | Pendirian Bendera | Pengikis Ais | Pemegang Piala | Hidroponik
Output Disediakan
Needed sufficient design views.
PDF | AutoCAD | Adobe Illustrator | Visio
Output Disediakan
Required design views will be provided.
PDF | AutoCAD | Adobe Illustrator | Visio